Sunday 15 August 2010

Post-Weekend Blogservations.

Hello once again from South London. Funnily enough, London seems to have reverted to it's default 'grey' colour scheme in the last week. Not that i'm complaining, when I picture London in my mind's eye, that's the colour it is.

Before I continue, I must thank everyone that has read my blog, downloaded the mixtapes and shared the info with others. It can be very easy to forget how accessible you can become when you create something like this. I swear, I used to think that the only people who read it were people who I had told about it directly, but then you forget about facebook and myspace and all the other places I mentioned it, to the point where someone who I hadn't told asked me about it the other day and I was kinda pleased so once again thanks!

The weekend has been good, even though I had to work yesterday! Journeyed back East last night to help DJ Soulprovyder celebrate his Birthday Soul Solution gig @Gramaphone. I seem to be there alot these days! Nice to see some of my people down there, StJohn & Michelle, Cengiz (my latest collaborator!), Ian, Justin et al. Soulprovyder and the guests sounding fresh and funky as usual. Simbad also passed through as well on his way to do a set for the GET SOME boys in the basement. Such a polite and friendly geezer, makes a real change from some of the eejits you meet on the circuit!

Checked out the GET SOME night downstairs as well. I haven't been to many of these type of house/garage/dubstep type nights, it was very chunky! A little heavy for my ageing ears! A good bunch of guys nontheless, I look forward to hearing what they've got coming up in the future.

There's also a good night on today down on these sides (trust me, a rarity in South London!). BogleWaltz at the Dex club in Brixton. I was supposed to be heading down there myself but having lost some crucial financial items at some point yesterday, I ain't going anywhere!

A while back, I was wondering how I was going to manage putting together another mixtape when most of new stuff had gone on the last one. The deal remember, is to put out one mix every month. Well, I sat down to do some compiling. Wow. 24 hours later, I've already got enough to do the next one. Excellent. Will be dropping it sometime in the next week as well as a lil soulful house mix in preparation for an upcoming gig in Manchester...done gigs around Europe, never done one up North so should be fun.

Anyway, to keep your ears busy, here's a 'Willesden Greenery' mixtape from 3-4 years ago. Strictly vinyl, and watch out for me nailing the needle and sending it sliding across the record at the end!

ATB Folks!


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